by lmannino | Jun 6, 2013 | Blog
The Islanders never had a chance – not really. When I first heard the news that moving was a possibility, the only mystery left, to me, was where they were going – not if. Brooklyn, as it turns out. And while I’ll argue that the politicians who...
by lmannino | Aug 20, 2012 | Blog
This morning I did a horrible thing: I used a PC to do some creative. I know, I know…but in my defense, the hard drive on my beloved G5 tower clickety-clacked into a coma the other day, and though I did throw in a spare internal (which took about 5 minutes), the older...
by lmannino | Sep 30, 2011 | Blog
“Alright, guys, where do you wanna go for Dinner?” That’s a standard question in our car whenever our family – my wife and I and our 2 young daughters – are heading home from somewhere but too far away to get there before a meltdown. I...