by lmannino | Aug 20, 2012 | Blog
This morning I did a horrible thing: I used a PC to do some creative. I know, I know…but in my defense, the hard drive on my beloved G5 tower clickety-clacked into a coma the other day, and though I did throw in a spare internal (which took about 5 minutes), the older...
by lmannino | Aug 1, 2012 | Blog
It’s Sunday morning. We just got back fom walking the dog and I’m sitting at the kitchen table with my kids, flipping through the Sunday Times and wondering, as always, why I keep renewing my subscription. I’m pretty sure it’s to look at the...
by lmannino | May 29, 2012 | Blog
It’s been awhile – yes, a LONG while – since my last official post. Curiously, looking back at my last post, I wonder if that that was just the jumping off point to something more – at least in terms of my headspace. Anyway, suffice to say that...